Niels Bohr's unpublished manuscripts.
Includes letters, lecture notes and preliminary versions of published work
on a wide range of areas in theoretical physics. Topics include
atomic models, biophysics, nuclear physics and quantum theory; as well
as philosophy of science, international cooperation in science
and efforts to contain the nuclear arms race.
Microfilmed in the early 1960s as part of the AHQP, when information on each item was entered on notecards.
Described in: T.S.Kuhn, J.L.Heilbron: Sources for History of Quantum Physics, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia 1967
47 boxes. Chronologically arranged. Danish, English, French, German etc. Microfilmed as part of AHQP Mf. Bohr MSS, nos.1-27. Card index, chronological. Contains a listing of contents.