Working in Lord Rutherford's laboratory in Manchester (1913) this
Hungarian-born scientist initiated the method of radioactive indicators
as a tool in chemical analysis. After the First World War he spent six
years at Niels Bohr's Institute in Denmark and, together with the Dutch
physicist D. Coster, discovered a hitherto unknown element which was
given the Latin name of Copenhagen: "Hafnium". In the 1930s Hevesy
returned to Copenhagen and developed the tracer technique in biological
and medical research using artificially produced radioactive isotopes.
The wide applicability of this technique triggered spectacular advances
in the life sciences and many other branches of science and technology.
Hevesy was awarded the 1943 Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1944.
Hevesy's own collection of scientific correspondence supplemented with
material from other archives, collected by Hilde Levi. Covers all
aspects of his career. Approx. 1000 letters, 120 corrrespondents.
Correspondents include:
Francis William Aston, Karl Auer Von Welsbach, Jana Böhm, Niels Bohr,
Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted, James Chadwick, Dirk Coster, Marie Curie,
Albert Einstein, Kasimir Fajans, James Franck, Hans Wilhelm Geiger,
Victor Moritz Goldschmidt, Fritz Haber, Otto Hahn, Otto Hönigsschmidt,
Valdemar Thal Jantzen, Frederic Joliot, Ernest Lawrence, Hilde Levi,
Lise Meitner, Stefan Meyer, Otto Meyerhof, Joseph Needham, Yoshio
Nishina, Joseph K. Parnas, Hans Petterson, Robert Robison, Ernest
Rutherford, Rudolf Schoenheimer, Frederick Soddy, Johannes Stark,
Harold Clayton Urey, Francis Preston Venable.
11 boxes
Part photocopied from other collections; full collection microfilmed.
The photocopies come from Dirk Coster Correspondence, Groningen; Kasimir
Fajans Correspondence, SPKB, Berlin; James Franck Correspondence,
Chicago; Lise Meitner Correspondence, Cambridge; Stefan Meyer
Correspondence, Austria; Meyerhof Correspondence, BSC supplement NBA,
Copenhagen; Ernest Rutherford Correspondence, Cambridge; Johannes Stark
Correspondence, SPKB, Berlin
Alphabetical after correspondent, then chronological
Each item registered on notecards.
List of correspondents and letters. Microfilmed, 16 microfilms
German, Danish, Swedish, English etc