Dear Heisenberg
Margrethe and I send you many heartfelt congratulations on the
occasion of your birthday, when you can look back on such a rich life’s work in
the service of the physical sciences. In particular, I think of all you
achieved in the years when it was our great pleasure to have you as a colleague
at the Institute in Copenhagen, and I have written a little about the memories
from that time in the Festschrift that you will receive on your birthday. That
does not mean that I have forgotten everything that has happened since, in
which you have always played such a leading role. We have all followed your
work in recent years with excitement and look forward to learning more about it
when, as you told me in Brussels, you come to Copenhagen for a visit in the
spring. I also hope that we shall then have the opportunity to talk to each
other in greater detail about what happened during the war, about which I have
been asked by so many interested parties/circles, among which such
historical interest in precisely those eventful times is now arising.
With the wish for many more productive working years, we send you and Elisabeth and the children the warmest wishes.